Yeezy Supply

Task Setup

  1. Select YeezySupply from the site drop list.

  2. Enter the item PID.

  3. Select the Normal Mode.

  4. Select your Size: YS also supports multiple sizing. Multiple sizes are separated by commas (e.g. 6,6.5,7,7.5,8).

  5. Select your Billing and Proxy profiles.

  6. Check/Un-Check Release checkbox: Release checkbox is always checked by default. When creating a task, it will be created as a Yeezy task. However, if you are running the bot on an item that is not Yeezy, it's better to uncheck this checkbox unless we tell you otherwise.

Release Tips

1. Task Setup

  • You cannot run multiple PIDs per task. One per task only

  • Multiple sizes are separated with comma (e.g. 6,6.5,7,7.5,8)

  • You can also use FA (First Available), LA (Last Available) or RA (Random)

  • In the task window you will notice a checkbox named: "AYCD". Make sure to check it to use AYCD, otherwise it will use the V3 solver by default.

  • Use multiple cards on your tasks (you can use a mix of credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, privacy cards)

  • J1g your addresses for better chances in copping and avoiding order rejections: • Have at least 10 j1gged versions of every profile you are going to run • Spread out your tasks evenly among all those profiles • Name, address lines, phone number, & email fields are the most important ones to focus on

2. Number of Tasks

  • Queue is a lottery game, & the more tasks you have the higher chances you get of passing

  • Based on your computer specs you can run 300-1000 tasks: • Less than 16GB RAM: can run up to 500 tasks • 16GB RAM: can run up to 700 tasks • Higher specs (32GB RAM): can run up to 1000 tasks Note: The number of tasks you can run is more complicated because it depends on many factors. If you want to figure out how many to run, just make a large number and test it out yourself. If your computer or the bot feels sluggish, then reduce the number of tasks until you find a sweet spot.

3. Proxies Setup

  • Go up to 4 TASKS PER 1 PROXY

  • Make sure to have your residential proxies ready for YS to maintain throughout the day

  • A mix of both ISP and Resi proxies is a good idea. Usually when one works the other doesn't

  • Check #proxy-steals channel for some proxy options

4. Gmail Setup & Verification

  • Make sure to farm your accounts in AYCD or by manually doing some activities on browser while signed in with these accounts (do google search, check your g-mail, watch YouTube, etc...)

  • Make sure to use real emails and real phone numbers in case YS enabled an SMS/email verification code. In that case, a browser will open during the drop to insert the code you received.

5. Starting Tasks

  • We will do our best to ping when to begin your tasks for drops, if you are alerted by your group(s) then start tasks immediately

  • Feel free to start your tasks 5 minutes before release starts

Last updated