
The “Monitor” is on the top right of the “Tasks” tab.

  • Whenever sites are added/removed to the shared monitor, the full list of current monitoring sites will be announced on the #monitor channel on discord.

  • There is a green light at the bottom of your monitor window, which means that it is connected & working. If it turns red, it means it is not working.

  • For scheduled date/time drops, it is better not to rely on the monitor & instead follow our instructions in the "RELEASE GUIDES" category on our discord. THE SHARED MONITOR IS ONLY BEST USED FOR SUDDEN DROPS.

  • Keywords field is mandatory when hooking a task to the monitor. Keywords are the connection & the task will only start if the dropped item has the keywords & is from the same site. As for some sites, such as Zalando or Amazon, you can use the item SKU or Variant instead of keywords.

Adding a monitor to NSB

  1. Login to your discord account through the discord icon

  2. Click on “+new monitor”

  3. Click on “Fetch servers”

  4. Select the server and the channel the monitor is in to add it to your list of in-bot monitors

The task will automatically start when the item drops on the first monitor that picks it up!

NSB Monitor vs Discord Monitors

The NSB monitor constitutes a list of monitored sites that you can find pinned in #monitor discord channel. Whereas discord monitors can be any channel in your discord that monitors sites from cookgroups or other bot monitors. This is more powerful because it gives you no limit on which site and item to monitor.

You can integrate as much monitors as you wish into NSB, as long as they are under the same discord account.

It is recommended to use both NSB and discord monitors to increase your chances of catching the item you are monitoring for.

Last updated