
NSB supports more than 30 Adidas regions with different modes & options that you can use when creating an Adidas task! This guide will make sure you don't miss any details!

Task Setup

  1. Select your Adidas region from the site drop list.

  2. Enter the item PID: PID refers to the item ID on the Adidas site, we usually provide it before important releases For example: For this item, the PID is G54001

  3. Select the Normal Mode.

  4. Select your Size: Adidas supports multiple sizing. If you want to create a task with multiple sizes, just enter your sizes separated by commas (e.g. 6,6.5,7,7.5,8).

  5. Select your Billing and Proxy profiles.

  6. Check/Un-Check Release checkbox: Release checkbox is always checked by default. When creating a task, it will be created as a Yeezy task. However, if you are running the bot on an item that is not Yeezy, it's better to uncheck this checkbox unless we tell you otherwise.

Adidas Notes

  • Ensure the Release button is checked ON for Yeezy releases and keep it OFF if running on a non-Yeezy release

  • It's highly recommended to generate cookies for Adidas tasks. However, NSB will try to get cookies on its own. Generating cookies is required as fallback mode

  • Normal captcha solvers will be used for Adidas tasks: Log in to your BEST Gmail account on your Captcha solvers and then open "Open Solver".

  • Click Advanced to enter timeouts (keep them at default unless we provide other instructions)

  • Click Schedule Task to automatically start your task at a scheduled time

Release Tips

  • You cannot run multiple PID/SKU's per task. One per task only

  • You can also use FA (First Available), LA (Last Available) or RA (Random)

  • We will do our best to ping when to begin your tasks, if you are alerted by your group(s) then start them as soon as the sale has begun (feel free to start your tasks 5 minutes before release starts)

  • For US addresses, enter state as two letters abbreviation only & all CAPITALS

  • J1g your addresses for better chances in copping and avoiding order rejections

  • Use multiple cards on your tasks

  • Go up to 4 TASKS PER PROXY

  • Queue is a lottery game, & the more tasks you have the higher chances you get of passing

Last updated