
Move your mouse over to the proxies tab to open it, then go to the top left and click on “Add Proxy List”.

  1. First, you will need to name your proxy list as something identifiable by you.

  2. Second, you’ll have to add your proxies, they need to be in this exact format: IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD

  3. Latency Check: Select a site from the dropdown and click LATENCY CHECK button to test your proxies on this site (it will show the status of your proxies and the ping time to this site).

  4. Keep Valid: After testing your proxies, you can click this button to keep only your valid/working proxies and remove the rest.

  5. Validate Format: You can use the validate format to check if you inserted your proxies correctly.

  6. Once you’re done just press submit and you’re good to go.

Introduction to Proxies

In computer networks, a proxy is a middleman you've assigned to send and receive messages for you.

A proxy, generally, is someone or something that acts as an intermediary between two other people or things.

In computing, a proxy server is a computer that relays data between two others. The client computer connects to the proxy server in much the same way that it would connect to a web server or a game server or something like that. The client can then instruct the proxy server to connect to another server, such as a web server or a game server, on its behalf. It then relays data between the two.

Here's a simple analogy. Suppose you want to discuss something with Frank but, for whatever reason, you can't or don't want to talk to Frank directly. You can instead go to another person, Jim, and say "Please give Frank this message". Jim goes to Frank and gives him the message, then returns to you and tells you what Frank said in reply. In this scenario, Jim is the proxy, acting as a proxy server.

Import / Export Proxies

Say you’re moving your bot to a server and don’t want the hassle to insert your proxies again, well, we got you covered! Simply export your proxies and when you’re on a new PC/Server import them back.

Note: You can’t import proxies from other bots.

Generating Cookies

You will notice in the upper right corner a cookie icon, if you click it, you will have the chance to enter proxies which will only be used to generate cookies on Adidas.

Cookies are required to pass ATC (add to cart) on Adidas. You are not required to generate cookies anymore as NSB has its own way to get cookies, yet you can keep it as backup in case NSB failed to get cookies throughout the release.

Proxy types supported in the bot (HTTP Proxy)

An HTTP proxy provides for the caching of web pages and files which allows you to access them faster. Most browsers utilize an HTTP proxy to cache websites you frequently visit so you can quickly access them without having to completely download the page all over again.

When you type in a URL for a website you want to access, a HTTP proxy will search for the website address in the cache. If the website address is located it will return the website to you immediately as opposed to you having to wait for it to download.

Last updated