
Move your mouse over to the captcha tab to open it, then go to the top left and click on “+ New Solver”.

  • Make sure you watch a lot of YouTube videos and have human activity in order to get one-click captchas by clicking on the “YouTube” icon on the top right of the captcha tab or on the right of each single captcha profile in the tab.

  • Normal Captcha Solver: A window will open where you will get captchas to solve. Make sure to solve them quickly to increase your chances of copping.

  • Advanced V3 Solver: A black screen with a Captcha icon at the bottom means that the solver is automatically solving V3 captchas.

AYCD AutoSolve Integration

Right now AYCD is only supported for Yeezy Supply.

When creating your YS task, you will notice a checkbox named: "AYCD". If you checked this checkbox, your task will use AYCD, otherwise it will use the V3 solver by default.

In order to prepare AYCD:

  • Make sure your AYCD app is ready on your machine (the one that you will use to run NSB)

  • Create your solvers and warm up your accounts

  • Open the AYCD window by clicking on the AYCD logo on the top right as shown below

  • Connect NSB to AYCD by inserting your Access Token and API key

Multiple Captcha Window

Simply, it allows you to have multiple captcha windows & login to a different google account on each captcha window. It's recommended to have 3 to 5 captcha solvers with different accounts & different proxies.

  • You can have up to 2 solvers with no proxy.

  • Make sure to clean DEAD proxies from your solvers before every release!

  • Make sure to have good Gmail accounts so that your tasks can perform well. You can use harvesting tools to harvest them (e.g. AYCD) or purchase old accounts from Gmail providers.

  • Personal Gmails or .edu Gmails also perform really good.

Common Captcha Errors

White blank screen: Make sure your proxies are working fine and the internet you’re using doesn’t block your access to certain sites.

Black blank screen: Make sure your proxies are not dead/bad/blocked.

Last updated