Blue Tasks

1. What are blue tasks?

Blue tasks are idle tasks waiting for an event to trigger & start. They can be either scheduled tasks or tasks hooked by keywords to the in-bot monitor.

2. What’s the difference between All (notify only) and All (autocreate & start from all monitors)?

All Notify - Will monitor all sites and if an item drops with a matched keyword, it will only play a sound notification & focus on NSB. It will not auto-create / autostart a task.

All Auto-create/Autostart - Is hooked to the shared monitor & will auto-create / autostart a new task every time something drops from any site on the monitor that matches the keywords set there. Use it carefully & wisely as it might be dangerous if your keywords were not pretty accurate.

Note: Blue tasks via the All site will now work on ALL your monitors with a 1-minute cache filter, meaning if the same product drops with the same URL on multiple monitors within the same minute, only ONE task will be auto-created / auto-started!

3. What mode should I use?

We recommend Cyborg3.0 mode for blue tasks. You can run other task modes as well, in case the site doesn't have security. The Safe and Fast modes could perform better.

4. What sites do blue tasks pick up from?

The sites that are monitored by NSB monitor: a list of the sites can be found pinned in #monitor channel on discord. In addition to all other channels that you have added under the Monitor tab on NSB.

Watch this video for details on how to integrate monitors from your favorite discord groups into NSB:

5. Do blue tasks pull from #monitor even if we have cg monitors connected?


6. Do they use up our proxies?

They do not use up your proxies as long as they are blue.

7. What happens if blue tasks start a task for a site that needs an account?

The task will extract the account and password from Account Pool (under the profile tab on the top right). Make sure to enter your accounts there, one on each line with the format: EMAIL:PASSWORD.

NSB’s smart login list includes the following sites:

Undefeated, HanonShop, ToyWars, BapeFrance, FearOfGod, TheDarkSideInitiative, Oqium (requires custom gateway), TheNextDoorFR, Exclucity, ChicagoCitySports.

Note: If you know a site that requires login but is not pulling an account from the account pool, you can let us know so we can add it to the smart login list!

8. Can I filter certain sites for my blue task?

You can find the site filter for blue tasks under Advanced. The field works just like the keywords field with multiple & negative keywords support.

It matches vs the site's URL. For example, if you want tasks to trigger only for Bape & Kith, you would put something like: “kith, bape”.

Another example, if you would want all sites to trigger except SocialStatus & extrabutter you would enter something like: “-socialstatus -extrabutter”.

Notice how with the positives we had a comma which means KITH OR BAPE, but with the negatives we just used a space which means NOT socialstatus AND NOT extrabutter.

9. Do blue tasks pick up variants?

Blue tasks only use keywords. They monitor multiple sites for specific words together (positive keywords). Negative keywords can also be used for words you want excluded.

For some sites, such as Zalando or Amazon, you can use the item SKU or Variant instead of keywords.

10. My blue tasks aren’t catching anything, what should I do?

Make sure your monitors have a green light on the bottom and check your keywords.

11. Can each of my profiles pick up the product from the monitor?

You can assign a billing group to your blue task. This will create a task for each billing profile in that group.

12. Blue Tasks Preview Example

Last updated