
Move over your mouse to the Copped tab and click on it to open it. Here you will be able to see all the items you successfully copped. This is how it would look like if you copped an item.

Hooray! So you have reached the final stage, you copped your favorite item, that extra pair for your collection, or you’re just trying to make some extra bucks! Once you cop make sure you pass by our Twitter account and shout us out there, give back to the NSB and let others know what a true beast of a bot this is.

Some sites will cancel your order after you copped if they find anything fishy about it so make sure you leave your shoutouts after they confirm your order!

Screenshot / Capture

You can take a screenshot that will AUTO blur your billing profile ~ personal information & prompt you to save the image by either clicking CTRL+SHIFT+P on the TASKS tab or on the COPPED tab or by clicking the icon on the top right of the COPPED tab! Both the TASKS tab & COPPED tab support the AUTO screenshot feature.

Last updated