Custom Shopify

A task for "Custom Shopify" lets you cop from a website that is not listed under NSB's site list, but that it is in fact Shopify.

How To Check If A Site Is Shopify

  1. Enter the website in the search there, if it shows Shopify in the eCommerce section of the results, then you're good to go.

How To Create A Custom Shopify Task

  1. Click the create tasks button under the TASKS tab on NSB. Scroll down until you see "CustomShopify" and select it.

  2. Where it says "Site Url" this is going to be the domain page of the website, or the "homepage". Example: THIS IS NOT FOR EARLY LINKS OR LINKS TO A PRODUCT and is only needed if you are running keywords. If you have an early link or a link to the product it will automatically detect the Site Url and the input box will disappear along with the “Keywords” input box.

  3. Next you want to either decide if you are going to be running "keywords" or an "early link" and pick which fits you best depending on what information you have on the product. The Link box would be used for a link to the actual product or an early link where the product has not been loaded yet.

  4. From here fill out the rest of your information needed to cop. Keep in mind that NSB will only pick up newly loaded items on a website. So if your keywords are not picking up this could be the reason!

Setup Examples

Example of using keywords:

Example of using links:

Last updated