
Task Setup

  1. Choose Supreme from the sitelist.

  2. Select your Size: • Sizing on supreme: small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge • You can use multiple sizes separated by commas (e.g. small, large) • Keeping the size field empty will select a random available size for you for better chances

  3. Select the Color: • You can use multiple colors separated by commas (e.g. black, medium) • You can either select a specific color or keep it empty to get a random available color

  4. If you want to checkout via PayPal (not recommended), make sure to enable this option by clicking on Advanced -> checkout using PayPal. A browser will be opened to complete checkout on the browser. This feature WON’T work if you are using Hybrid mode.

Release Tips

  • Create a combination of tasks with different checkout delays: Safe, Fast, and Hybrid (e.g. Tasks distributed as follows: 70% Safe, 30% Fast, and 5 tasks Hybrid)

  • Make sure to run less than 100 total tasks if your PC is extremely fast & less than 50 tasks if your PC is moderate/slow

  • Make sure to use normal captcha solvers with your Shopify tasks: Log in to your BEST Gmail account on your Captcha solvers and then open "Open Solver".

  • Billing & shipping MUST match! Virtual cards MAY NOT WORK!

  • Supreme will use the name on the card for address information

  • Run up to 10-15 tasks using your local IP (home IP/no proxies)

  • Start tasks 15 to 30 seconds before the DROP for Safe mode and 45-50 seconds before the drop for Fast & Hybrid modes!

  • For BOGOs and hyped drops, it’s highly recommended to create at least 5 Hybrid mode tasks

EU Region Tips

  • If your card requires a certain kind of 3D processing, a window will be opened showing the name of the profile assigned to the task on the top (window title). Once you complete the 3D check (OTP, APP confirmation, etc…) the task will continue to auto-checkout

  • It is however highly recommended to use cards that don’t require 3D confirmation for faster checkout

Restock Tips (after release time):

  • It's recommended to run Safe and Restock mode (50% Safe, 50% Restock). The main difference is, in restock mode, the bot will keep trying to add any available color to cart. However, in safe mode, once the bot selects a color, it will keep trying to add just this color to cart (even if they restocked a different one).

  • Captcha is always required on Supreme so you need to make sure you are logged in with your BEST Gmail account, and the bot should auto-solve captcha.

  • Keep 1-3 tasks running on local IP, and maybe 1-3 using proxies.

  • Setup some blue tasks with the correct keywords so NSB can start Supreme tasks automatically.

  • You can use quick tasks from the NSB monitor or other Discord monitors.

  • You can use the item link when monitoring a restock.

Note: If you are trying to catch a restock for an item that has different colors and you want a RANDOM COLOR, it’s highly recommended to create a task with restock mode for each color (e.g. if an item has Blue and Red colors and you want to catch either, it’s better to create a task with the color red and another task with the color blue using restock mode).

Setup Examples

  • Random Size - Random Color: Task will choose a random color and random size

  • Random Size - Multiple Color: Task will select a random size and a random color from the specified colors (either black or white) Note: If the size is set (e.g. medium), the task will select a color with size medium only

  • Multiple sizes - Random color:

    Task will select a random color and a random size from the specified sizes (either small, or medium, or large)

    Note: If the color is set (e.g. black), the task will select sizes only from the item with black color

  • Multiple sizes - Multiple Colors: Task will select a random size from the specified sizes (either small, or medium, or large) and a random color from the specified colors (either black or white)

  • Exact Size - Exact Color: Task will select the item with the specific color and size only (e.g. black - medium)

  • Negative Color: Negative colors are used by adding - before the color you want to filter out Task will select any color that doesn’t include the filtered out color

Last updated