
Task Setup

Step 1: BestBuy requires account login.

Step 2: For high demand products such as Consoles and GPUS, BestBuy would schedule all locations to drop at the same time. High demand products have queue on them and often require totalTech membership.

Step 3: BestBuy requires SKU. In order to get the SKU, you can check with your CGs. You can also get it by extracting it from the item URL. For example: The SKU here is 6084400.

Step 4: For high demand products you have to enable the Pick UP option when creating the task(s). Pickup will be decided based on your zip code or the Store ids you enter. The Store radius (in mile) field will search within the radius of your zip code for the SKU.

For example: If the radius is 150 miles, it would search within 150 miles of your zip code for the 6084400 SKU and choose a random store. If no radius is used, a default radius of 100 miles will be used.

Step 5: If you do not want to use the Store radius and you want to use specific Store ids, you can enter these ids under the Advanced section. You can input them in this format 123, 321 or you can insert just 123 for 1 store. To get your desired store you have to do the following:

Step 6: BestBuy accounts must be prepared before using them in NSB. You have to make sure that your BestBuy account is linked to an email or else it will not pass queue. Make sure that IMAP is enabled by going to this link after you logged in your account: And check the Enable IMAP box.

  • If you DO NOT have 2FA Enabled: Click on your google accounts profile picture in the top right corner and click manage account. Then go to security on the left hand side and enable less Secure apps.

  • If you have 2FA Enabled: Go to security on the left hand side and look for App Passwords and generate a new one. This will be your IMAP password. For now, make sure that BestBuy account credentials (email and password) are the same as your gmail, or else the bot will fail to log into your gmail account.

Release Tips

  • You cannot run multiple tasks using the same account

  • The bot will be using the address that’s attached to your task if the Pick UP option is not selected

  • For proxies, we would recommend using DC/ISP proxies (Residential proxies are not recommended)

  • It’s preferred to use an old account with previous purchases to decrease the chances of declines.

  • In case of hyped drops, you have to check the Pick UP box since hyped items would be restricted to in-store pickup only

  • BestBuy has 2 modes: Safe and Fast. Fast would let you enter queue and finish faster, but for Safe, the chances of card declines are lower. So run a mix of both.

  • BestBuy update PreLogin: You can enable it by checking the PreLogin box. PreLogin lets you finish queue faster but there is a chance that you will enter the queue again. Therefore, the best setup is to create most of your tasks with prelogin enabled and only a few tasks with the option disabled.

  • Sometimes a flagged proxy/account would lead to queue loops. In this case, change the account or proxy

Side Notes

  • If the bot stopped a task with an “incorrect password” message and you are sure that your password is correct. Then it’s likely that your account is locked and needs a manual reset.

  • You can use NSB monitors to wait for a specific item to drop even if you’re off the bot. You can set up a blue task the same way you create blue tasks for shopify and other sites by enabling the Use shared monitor option under the Advanced section. You CANNOT use site All with BestBuy to trigger blue tasks. You need to select BestBuy as a site and check Use shared monitor setting (as shown in the image below).

Setup Example

  1. Choose BestBuy from the site list

  2. Enter the product SKU

  3. Choose your billing address and proxy list

  4. Enter your BestBuy account login details

  5. Check Pick UP box

  6. Enter your Store ids or Store radius (default is 100 miles)

Last updated