
Task Setup

  1. Choose your Footsites site from the sitelist including: Footlocker, Kids Footlocker, Champs Sport, Eastbay, Footaction, and Footlocker CA.

  2. For Footsites you need to enter your SKU. In order to get the SKU, you can check with your CGs. You can also get it by extracting it from the item URL. For example: The SKU here is FZ5897.

  3. Focus Smooth mode.

  4. Select your Size: • Footsites support multiple sizing. Multiple sizes are separated with commas (e.g. 6,6.5,7,7.5,8) • You can also use FA (First Available), LA (Last Available) or RA (Random)

  5. Click Advanced to enter timeouts (keep them at default unless we provide other instructions).

  6. Click Schedule Task to automatically start your task at a scheduled time.

Release Tips

  • Begin your tasks 5~10 minutes before expected release Your tasks should say: Release after XXXs, will start automatically..

  • It's normal for Smooth mode to show "Waiting for restock" when you start the task before the item drops & there is no queue live.

  • Footsites = no cookies required to be generated

  • For US/CA addresses, enter state as two letters abbreviation only & all CAPITALS

  • For your Shipping addresses (if applicable) please keep your Apt/Suite number to Address Line 1. Example: 19967 Dome Street Apt 67

Last updated