
Shopify Terms

  • Anti-bot: This is a security measure done by sites to stop bots from successfully going through on their website. When anti-bot is on, make sure you use Cyborg3.0 mode for your tasks.

  • Checkpoint: Browser CAPTCHA solver will show up & the user must start to continuously solve manual captchas on that solver 1 minute before a hyped Shopify drop expected to have checkpoint!

  • Password page: Some sites will have a password page which usually means that a drop is happening in the next couple of minutes.

Task Setup

  1. Choose your Shopify site from the dropdown list, or create a Custom Shopify task if the site is not in the list.

  2. You may use a link, a variant, or keywords to run for your desired item.

  3. Select Mode: Run a mix of Safe, Fast, and Cyborg3.0 tasks on releases. • When anti-bot is enabled on the drop, ONLY run Cyborg3.0 mode tasks! • When you have variants, always run them on Safe mode.

  4. Select your Size: • Shopify supports multiple sizing. Multiple sizes are separated with commas (e.g. 6,6.5,7,7.5,8) • You can also use FA (First Available), LA (Last Available) or RA (Random)

  5. Advanced Settings: • You can enter timeouts (keep them at default unless we provide other instructions) • You can also include Min and Max price fields under Advanced option (Supported only by Shopify and Retail sites. The task will stop if the item price is outside the range of min and max prices)

  6. Click Schedule Task to automatically start your task at a scheduled time.

Release Tips

  • For Safe/Fast mode tasks, begin your tasks 2~3 minutes before expected release.

  • For Cyborg3.0 tasks, begin your tasks 5~8 minutes before expected release and solve Checkpoint CAPTCHAs as quickly as possible.

  • Make sure to use normal captcha solvers with your Shopify tasks: Log in to your BEST Gmail account on your Captcha solvers and then open "Open Solver".

  • Make sure you are running All - autocreate & autostart (blue) tasks at all times with suggested keywords to catch potential shock-releases!

  • Using variants? Please allocate one variant per task

  • For US addresses, enter state as two letters abbreviation only & all CAPITALS

  • Keep eyes on your monitors during release time, if tasks do not find product/get stuck on monitoring, then quickly copy the product link and inject them into your running tasks

  • For the sites that require present payment gateway, make sure to check it here

Restock Tips

  • Always run Safe mode tasks for restocks! They are the fastest to catch restocks!

  • When anti-bot is enabled it usually stays on for around 20-40 minutes, in that time, keep running Cyborg3.0 for restocks. As soon as anti-bot is OFF, run Safe mode tasks to catch any coming restocks super fast.

Last updated